A Tribute To Aron Baynes: A Great Celtic And Owner Of One Of The Biggest Dicks Tommy Heinsohn Ever Saw

Tonight, for the first time this season, the Celtics will face off against our lovable Australian lunatic Aron Baynes. It's an emotional time because if you could ask any Celtics fan what former player would you want to add to this current group, the answer has to be Baynes. That's right, even over Al Horford. It's a little bittersweet that the one weakness this Celtics team has just so happens to be the exact thing Baynes provides. An elite defender, a legit defensive rebounder and rim protector and a guy that is tough as nails who helps you set the tone. It's no surprise he's been fantastic in PHX and is playing a major role in their early season success with 15/5.5/2.9 averages on 57/46% (!!!!!) splits with 2.0 (!!!!) 3PM a night. It hurt when the Celts had to unload his contract in order to bring in Kemba, and we're going to be reminded tonight just what a valuable piece Baynes is.

To casuals, they laugh at the idea that someone like Baynes could have been so important considering he was a role player that played around 17 minutes a night as a Celtic. But honestly, the proof is in the pudding. In 2017 the Celts Drtg was 7 points better with him on the floor, and overall net rating was around 4 points better. In 2018 it was essentially the same story, with the Drtg being 4.8 points better and overall net rating being 4.2 points better. Among centers, Baynes had the 4th best Drtg in 2018 and the 3rd best Drtg in 2017. He was the anchor in the middle that the Celtics had been searching for ever since the Big 3 era. He was the perfect Celtic in my opinion and played a huge role in their success whether you want to accept that or not. Then he started hitting threes and we started getting nuts with it.

This is a man that screamed at his injuries and magically they were healed. He's a guy who broke his hand and was back in a matter of weeks because there's a strong possibility he's not human. I'll admit, I am terrified of trying to attack the rim tonight only to be met by the brick wall that is Aron Baynes. Guys are already banged up, I just have this feeling that he will break this entire roster. If there's one thing you have to respect about Baynes it's the fact that he is not afraid whatsoever. This is a dude that willingly challenged Giannis at the rim on multiple occasions. As we know that didn't always work out for him, but it was the not giving a shit attitude that helped this fanbase fall in love with him. 

If we're being honest, I don't know how they pull it off but I need the Celts to be in on Baynes once his contract is up this summer. He's exactly what they need and now that this team rules it feels wrong to have this success without him. For years all I wanted was a player like Baynes given how pathetic the Celts have been at the center spot as of late, and he'll always be loved by this city and this fanbase. This is a player everyone agrees should definitely get a tribute video right? Who cares if they never won while he was here, Aron Baynes rules and that's the end of discussion.

Now, cue the memories so we can all get in a good cry before tip

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